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Dcomy Defi Frontiers Airdrop


What is a Dcomy?

DCO is used as a utility token in DCOMY, serving as a means of payment for all on-chain activities. When a DApp incurs on-chain activities on multiple blockchains, it can pay for all transaction and gas fees using DCO alone. The platform will implicitly convert part of the collected DCO to the corresponding native currencies of the underlying blockchains, which are then consumed by the miners and validators on those blockchains.

Step-by-Step Guide:

🏷 Reward : $30 (600 DCO tokens)

Event Period : 05th January – 25th January

➡️ Register :

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Distribution Date : The reward is withdrawable only after our IEO, on April 6th.

Listing Date: On or before Jan 16, 2023

Invite Bonus

Get up to 18% commission when your referrer buys tokens

🚀 8% bonus when purchase by ETH (combinable with other bonuses)
🚀 6% bonus when purchase at least $500 at Phase 1
🚀 10% bonus when purchase at least $1000 at Phase 1

DCOMY has a carefully planned agenda to follow. We detail here key milestones and their projected timeline

About Dcomy

In order to materialise the decentralised economy, it is important to ensure blockchain and smart contract interoperability. DCOMY is working towards this end by developing various inter blockchain communication protocols, catered for various use-cases. While we leave tedious technical details to our yellow paper, we highlight the three major functions of our platform.

DCOMY launches the DCO token as a native utility token for the DCOMY ecosystem. DCO are minted on the Ethereum Blockchain, adhering to the ERC20 standard. It has a total supply of 888,000,000. The contract address is : 0X2A304FDA5A85182DCA1D03741BB2F07881B9E095

Estimated Value


Tokens per Claim

600 DCO

Max. Participants


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