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Discover Eldfell, Taiko L3 Testnet


What is a Taiko ?

Taiko is an Ethereum L2 ZK-Rollup. Taiko offers the most native way to scale Ethereum. Taiko provides low fees and is built with decentralization in mind from day one.

You can try dapps on Taiko’s alpha-3 testnet or join in decentralizing the network as a Taiko Node operator (as a Block Proposer or Block Prover).

Step-by-Step Guide:

🏷 Reward : Discover Eldfell (Taiko L3 testnet) campaign on Galxe.

➡️ Register :

➡️Discover Eldfell (Taiko L3 testnet) OAT HERE

➡️Sepolia ETH Faucets HERE
• Bridge HERE (Sepolia to Taiko)
• Bridge HERE (Taiko to Grimsvotn)

➡️ Make a swap HERE
• Provide liquidity
• 0.1 ETH liquidity to ETH/BLL
• 0.1 ETH liquidity to ETH/TTKOe
• 0.1 ETH liquidity to ETH/HORSE

➡️Quiz Answer :
– Bridging & Swapping Questions: C A A B B
– Proposer Questions: B C D B D
– Prover Questions: B C B C C
– Watch “Run a Taiko L3 node” : C B C D C


About Taiko

Taiko is a secure, decentralized, and permissionless rollup on Ethereum. Taiko achieves this by:

writing all block data required to reconstruct the post-block state to Ethereum. Recording block data to Ethereum as an L1 makes the data decentralized and public. This data is needed for everyone to know the latest chain state to add new blocks to Taiko. Taiko’s proof generation requires an even stricter requirement: all executable data must be saved publicly in sequence. Consequently, provers can generate proofs for a block using only publicly known data.

creating and proposing blocks should be a fast and efficient process. Anyone should be able to add blocks to the chain on a level playing field, having access to the same chain data at all times. Proposers, of course, should be able to compete on e.g., transaction fees and Maximal Extractable Value (MEV).

Estimated Value


Tokens per Claim


Max. Participants





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