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zkSync Era Mainnet Retroactive Airdrop


What is a zkSync Era ?

zkSync is a ZK rollup, a trustless protocol that uses cryptographic validity proofs to provide scalable and low-cost transactions on Ethereum. In zkSync, computation is performed off-chain and most data is stored off-chain as well. As all transactions are proven on the Ethereum mainchain, users enjoy the same security level as in Ethereum.

zkSync Era is made to look and feel like Ethereum, but with lower fees. Just like on Ethereum, smart contracts are written in Solidity/Vyper and can be called using the same clients as the other EVM-compatible chains.

Step-by-Step Guide:

🏷 Reward : Do some activities on zksync Mainnet

➡️ Register :

➖Bridge to L1 to L2: zkSync Era Mainnet
➖Bridge to zkSync Lite (skip if you’re done)
➖Orbiter Bridge:

zkSync Era ecosystem dApps
➖Add Liquidity

➖Add Liquidity

➖Add Liquidity

Mint NFT on zksync Era
➖Click Mint
➖Upload image > Mint

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Connecting to zkSync Era on Metamask

Mainnet network info

  • Network Name: zkSync Era Mainnet
  • RPC URL:
  • Chain ID: 324
  • Currency Symbol: ETH
  • Block Explorer URL:
  • WebSocket URL: wss://


About zkSync Era Mainnet

To better understand rollups we need to dive briefly into Ethereum and Layer 2 solutions.

The Ethereum network is frequently congested, which results in slow transactions and increased gas prices. While this has remained so for a long time, an improved solution is needed: one that will not put limits on the throughput, but instead, achieve a high transaction rate without having to trade off security. That is where Layer 2 solutions shine.

Layer 2 solutions are designed as an extension to Ethereum, and offer various solutions poised to be the critical scalability component to the inherent network congestion on Ethereum. Covering all Layer 2 solutions is beyond the scope of this doc. We will go through a brief explainer on rollups in this section

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